Bike Zoo’s butterflies are consistent crowd-pleasers with their majestic wings and charming faces.  This beautiful kaleidoscope includes species such as the Tiger Swallowtail, Common Blue, Albino Monarch, Atlas Moth, and the famous Monarch. Bike Zoo crew pedal the 10-14 foot tall butterflies and can give event participants butterfly rides!  


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Common Blue Butterfly at Texas State History Museum-001 belinda n boy in waco Bridgeland held its 10th annual Nature Festival in Cypress, Tx.  on 4-30-16     photos by John Everett Blue Butterfly is made for small kids-001
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feliz viaje austin bike zoo austin bike zoo butterfly austin bike zoo butterfly 526059_10151280545823072_701461370_n
people love it Fort_Worth_Butterflies-001 monarch butterfly at edc austin bike zoo